Thank you for helping us reach our goal during El Paso Giving Day! We raised a total amount of $69,065.89, to include a $10,000 match from Walmart.
We know times are hard and many have lost their jobs and are struggling to make ends meet but in spite of that El Paso you stepped up to the plate.
Because of YOUR generosity, children, seniors and families will have one less thing to worry about: access to nutritious food. And we will continue to work to meet the increased need we've been facing since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
9541 Plaza Circle,
El Paso, TX 79927
(915) 298-0353
Email Us
Office Hours: 8AM - 5PM
Food Distribution: 9AM - 4PM
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
Register To Volunteer
Your gift will be put to immediate use to provide food for hungry people in our community. Thank you for your support of El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank.
Su donación ayuda a nuestra comunidad.
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